2.1. [+] fx_error_core

2.1.1. NAME

fx_error_core - mechanism for error handling for libfx


#include <fx_error/error.h>
// in libfx_error

#define FX_ERROR_DCL(error_id)
// declare error identity in header file

#define FX_ERROR_DEF(error_id)
// define error identity in source file

#define FX_ERROR_ASSERT(expression)
// verify at debug mode

void fx_error_raise(const fx_error_t *e);
// set fx_error_state to e

int fx_error_catch(const fx_error_t *e);
// check specific error has occurs

int fx_error_check(void);
// check error has occurs or not

void fx_error_clear(void);
// set fx_error_state to FX_ENONE

const char *fx_error_id(const fx_error_t *e);
// get short string which describe error


Specify rules to handling errors efficiency in C language, also provide APIs to do that. Everything in libfx, used libfx should follow that rules to make uniform error handling, together. There are rules:

Comfort with C standard library. That library is specifics in ISO-IEC 9898, means libfx_error requires hosted environment to runs and does not guarantees working on freestanding environment.

Minimize number of error definitions. It means define general errors and do not define new errors with same meaning. This rules make less definitions then less time spent to research and more less time to use.

Minimize error definition size. Number of errors are causes by hardware resources is finite, however logic errors is infinite, it appears when you create new things. If storage is not minimizes, it will be big problem. Do it with FX_ERROR_DCL and FX_ERROR_DCL.

Diagnostic developer’s mistakes at debug mode. Errors which causes by developers must be fix at debug mode instead of give it to other developers at release mode. If that errors occurs, show essential information to help find, fix bugs then abort process. At release mode, diagnostic must be disapear to guarantee execution speed. Do it with FX_ERROR_ASSERT().

Emit non developer’s errors to caller. That errors may be failer in hardware resources allocating, I/0 operations or invalid data processing which can not be fix at debug mode. This rule gives caller two choices: handle it or emit to upper caller. Do it with fx_error_raise().

A error state for a thread. This rule guarantees that errors occurs in a thread is not affect to other threads. To do that, each threads have a error state called fx_error_state.

2.1.4. EXAMPLE 01

// target: declare, define errors

// in <yourlib/error.h>
#include <fx_error/error.h>     // use fx_error APIs

FX_ERROR_DCL(YOURLIB_E001);     // declare errors which may be occurs
FX_ERROR_DCL(YOURLIB_E002);     // in your library

// in <yourlib/error.c>         // define errors

// in <yourlib/api.h> or <yourlib/api.c>
// you can use YOURLIB_E001 with fx_error APIs

2.1.5. EXAMPLE 02

// target: raise, check, handle error

# include <yourlib/error.h>     // use your defined errors

// in <yourlib/do_work.h>
void do_work(void);             // describe why YOURLIB_E001 will
                                // occurs to help other people who
                                // uses your APIs check errors

// in <yourlib/do_work.c>
void do_work(void) {
        if (...) {                              // error condition
                fx_error_raise(YOURLIB_E001);   // raise error
                return;                         // stop function

// in <somewhere/do_other_work.c>
#include <yourlib/do_work.h>            // use your APIs

void do_other_work(void) {
        do_work();                      // call your API
        if (fx_error_check()) {         // check error
                                        // handle error

2.1.6. EXAMPLE 03

// target: raise error then abort process

// in <yourlib/do_work_abort.h>
void do_work_abort();           // describe why YOURLIB_E001 will
                                // be occurs and process will be
                                // terminate also

// in <yourlib/do_work_abort.c>
void do_work_abort(int arg) {
        if (...)                                // error condition
                fx_error_abort(YOURLIB_E001);   // raise error then
                                                // abort

// in <somewhere/do_other_work.c>
#include <yourlib/do_work.h>    // use your APIs

void do_other_work(void) {
        do_work_abort();        // call API
                                // if error occurs, error state will
                                // be set then terminate process with
                                // SIGABRT

2.1.7. EXAMPLE 04

// target: check, handle multi error cases

// in <yourlib/do_work.h>
void do_work(void);     // describe why YOURLIB_E001, YOURLIB_E002
                        // and YOURLIB_E003 will be occurs

// in <yourlib/do_work.c>
void do_work(void) {
        if (...) {                              // error condition 1
                fx_error_raise(YOURLIB_E001);   // raise error
                return;                         // stop function
        if (...) {                              // the same above
        if (...) {                              // the same above

// in <somewhere/do_other_work.c>
#include <yourlib/do_work.h>            // use your APIs

void do_other_work(void) {
        do_work();                              // call API
        if (fx_error_catch(YOURLIB_E001)) {     // check and handle
                                                // for YOURLIB_E001
        if (fx_error_catch(YOURLIB_E002)) {     // check and handle
                                                // for YOURLIB_E002
        if (fx_error_catch(YOURLIB_E003)) {     // check and handle
                                                // for YOURLIB_E003

libfx v0.0.0 © Copyright 2018, Kevin Leptons. Created using Sphinx 1.6.5

Last updated 2018/02/20 06:12